The Most Annoying People On #SocialMedia

anoyying+1We are all hooked onto social media in a way or another, and it’s hard to picture our day with it but there are some people who make us don’t want to use it ‘literally’

Here are who we all want to not only block but strangle …


1. People who actually ask you to “like” and share their posts.

2. People who send endless requests to play Candy Crush and City/Farmville.

3. People who reply to their own old tweet, which we all know means they’re desperate for more favourites/RTs.

4. People who favorites your replies to others

5. People who reply to every single post

6. Humblebraggers!!

7. People who use instagram as there mirror

8. People who post so many selfies, it seriously isn’t healthy!

9. People who get WAY TOO political on Facebook.

10. People who don’t have a public face pic on their profile

11. People who incessantly posts photos of food and drinks

12. People who hashtag too much

13. People who check in EVERYWHERE

The list continues but that’s it for now …

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